Home > AOMORI 青森県 > Hirosaki 弘前市

Neputa Festival ねぷた祭り


Held during Aug. 1-7, the Hirosaki Neputa Matsuri is without the rowdiness of the Aomori Nebuta Matsuri. Instead of the haneto, there are many children pulling the floats with ropes.

20 files, last one added on Jul 16, 2006
Album viewed 603 times

Hirosaki Castle 弘前城


Originally built in 1611 by Lord Tsugaru Nobuhira, Hirosaki Castle's current donjon was rebuilt in 1810. Although the structure is small, it is a well-known architectural work. In 1895, the castle was made public and the castle park has become one of Japan's famous sites for cherry blossoms.

4 files, last one added on Jan 24, 2006
Album viewed 377 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)