Home > HIROSHIMA 広島県 > Mihara 三原市

Mt. Fudekage 筆影山


Mt. Fudekage is 313 meters high and part of the Seto Inland Sea National Park. Great views of Seto Inland Sea and Shikoku. Walk up from JR Sunami Station (JR Kure Line). Map to Mt. Fudekage: https://goo.gl/maps/r2qwY5Kc7zCJZcBa7

15 files, last one added on Aug 31, 2020
Album viewed 297 times

Mihara Castle 三原城


Only stone walls and a moat remains.

2 files, last one added on Jan 24, 2006
Album viewed 280 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)