Home > TOYAMA 富山県 > Takaoka 高岡市

Zuiryuji Temple 瑞龍寺


Belonging to the Soto sect of Zen Buddhism and dedicated to Maeda Toshinaga, the 2nd lord of the Kaga domain and founder of Takaoka. The temple has three buildings designated as National Treasures in 1997: Sanmon Gate, Butsuden Buddha Hall, and Hatto Worship Hall.

67 files, last one added on Dec 04, 2007
Album viewed 1121 times

Takaoka Daibutsu 高岡大仏


Near JR Takaoka Station is one of Japan's three Big Buddhas (after Nara and Kamakura). The statue was built by local coppersmiths in 1932, taking 30 years to complete. It stands 15.85 meters high, weighing 65 tons. Japan's largest copper statue. In 2007, it underwent major renovation.

4 files, last one added on Dec 04, 2007
Album viewed 235 times

Other Sights


Other sights in Takaoka, Toyama.

8 files, last one added on Dec 04, 2007
Album viewed 248 times


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