Home > CHIBA 千葉県 > Ichinomiya 一宮町

Kazusa Junisha Matsuri Festival 2009 上総十二社祭り


Also called the Hadaka (Nude) Matsuri, this annual festival is held by Tamasaki Shrine near Kazusa-Ichinomiya Station (JR Sotobo Line). On Sept. 13, 2009 (Sun.), the main festival day, portable shrines from twelve shrines (junisha) in the same area are paraded and rushed to the beach with hundreds of people surrounding each one. They run with the portable shrine. At the beach in ankle-deep water, they jostle and toss the mikoshi in the air. In the evening, they return to town near the train station and parade the shrines again. Also see my video at YouTube.

127 files, last one added on Jun 06, 2010
Album viewed 1039 times


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