Home > KYOTO 京都府 > Miyazu 宮津市

Amanohashidate 天橋立


Amanohashidate is northern Kyoto's main attraction and very famous as one of Japan's Scenic Trio (Nihon Sankei 日本三景). The other two in the scenic trio are Miyajima (vermillion torii and shrine on the ocean) in Hiroshima and Matsushima (pine tree islands) near Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. It's about 3.6 km long, totally flat, and you can cross it on foot or by bicycle (rentals available) on a dirt road in the middle. The road is lined with thousands of Japanese pine trees and closed to vehicular traffic. Near Amanohashidate Station.

179 files, last one added on Nov 27, 2018
Album viewed 388 times

Chionji Temple 智恩寺


Visitors to Amanohashidate can hardly miss Chionji Temple right next to the entrance of Amanohashidate at the southern end. Since you're there, might as well also see the temple especially when you see the large temple gate. Belonging to the Rinzai Zen Sect, the temple worships the Manjushri bodhisattva (Monju Bosatsu) for wisdom and academic abilities. Many students pray here. The elegant Tahoto Pagoda is an Important Cultural Property. The temple is not affiliated with Chion-in Temple in Kyoto city.
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/Anjk19rRLzT2

32 files, last one added on Nov 27, 2018
Album viewed 99 times

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