Home > YAMAGUCHI 山口県 > Hagi 萩市

Hagi Castle and Castle Town 萩城跡・萩城下町


Hagi Castle has no castle buildings remaining, but the moats and stone walls are impressive. After moving from Hiroshima, Mori Terumoto built Hagi Castle in 1604, and his Mori Clan rules Choshu domain here for about 260 years. Hagi became a flourishing castle town. Nearby is also the castle town district with numerous white-walled structures and the grave of Mori Terumoto. Short walk from the Hagi-joseki castle bus stop or Hagi Museum. Hagi is a National Important Traditional Townscape Preservation District (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区).

84 files, last one added on Aug 03, 2018
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Shoin Jinja Shrine and Yoshida Shoin School 松陰神社・松下村塾


Yoshida Shoin (1830–1859 吉田松陰) was a native of Hagi who was a leading intellectual and educator during the final years of the Tokugawa shogunate. Hagi was part of the Choshu domain which was at odds with the Tokugawa since the beginning of the Edo Period. Shoin educated many young local turks seeking to ouster the Tokugawa. He is regarded as an instigator of the Meiji Restoration that ended Tokugawa rule.
Yoshida is also noted for trying to stowaway on Commodore Perry's USS Powhatan flagship to go to America and study abroad in 1854. He had an eventful but short life, executed at age 29. In Hagi, the Shoin Shrine is dedicated to him. The shrine grounds includes his school named Shoka-sonjuku (松下村塾). This is one of Hagi's major sights. Near Shoin Jinja-mae bus stop, short Maaru bus ride from Higashi Hagi Station.

68 files, last one added on Aug 03, 2018
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Hagi Museum 萩博物館


Opened in 2004, Hagi Museum is in an impressive, traditional-style modern building. Features mainly local history of Choshu. The Maaru bus stops here. Get off at Hagi Hakubutsukan-mae. 萩博物館前

30 files, last one added on Aug 03, 2018
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Hagi Station and Other Sights 萩駅


The old Hagi Station is well preserved. Also see Higashi Hagi Station which is the city's main train station. And the Maaru bus is the best way to see Hagi's sights.

44 files, last one added on Aug 03, 2018
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