Home > SAITAMA 埼玉県 > Okegawa 桶川市

Okegawa-juku 桶川宿


Okegawa-juku was the 6th lodging town (shukuba 宿場) on the old Nakasendo Road (中山道) that connected Tokyo (Edo) and Kyoto through an interior route passing through Saitama, Gunma, Nagano, Gifu, and Shiga Prefectures. It was about 526 km long and had 69 lodging towns where travelers could lodge and water their horses. A few buildings from this era still remains.

79 files, last one added on Nov 21, 2023
Album viewed 151 times

Benibana Furusato-kan Hall べに花ふるさと館


Benibana Furusato-kan Hall (べに花ふるさと館) is mainly a restaurant for udon and soba noodles. It was originally a late 19th century home of an industrialist. It also offers udon-making lessons. From JR Okegawa Station, take the bus and get off at "Benibana Furusatokan-mae."

28 files, last one added on Jan 28, 2020
Album viewed 147 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)