Home > HOKKAIDO 北海道 > Kushiro 釧路市

Kushiro City Red-Crowned Crane Natural Park 釧路市丹頂鶴自然公園


Kushiro is famous for red-crowned cranes (tancho 丹頂). You can see several of them year-round here at the Kushiro City Red-Crowned Crane Natural Park (Kushiro Japanese Crane Reserve) where they are kept behind a fence. This is also a bird sanctuary where they treat injured cranes. Visited in June when there was a baby crane a few weeks old. http://en.kushiro-lakeakan.com/things_to_do/3778/

34 files, last one added on Mar 15, 2023
Album viewed 57 times

Lake Akan 阿寒湖


Part of Akan-Mashu National Park, Lake Akan (Akanko) is a serene crater lake with hot spring town Akanko Onsen and an Ainu village named Ainu Kotan. Famous for marimo algae balls. These photos were taken years ago, so a few buildings might look different today.

16 files, last one added on Mar 30, 2022
Album viewed 11 times

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