Home > KAGOSHIMA 鹿児島県 > Amami-Oshima 奄美大島

Amami Park 奄美パーク


Major tourist attraction with a tropical garden, museum to learn about local flora, fauna, and folk history, art museum (works by local artist Tanaka Isson 田中 一村), and a lookout tower with fine views. Opened in Sept. 2001, the park was built on the old Amami Airport.
Adult admission ¥650 for both Amami no Sato and Isson Tanaka Museum. Open 9 am–6 pm (until 7 pm in July–Aug.) Closed on the first and third Wed. of the month. (Open if a national holiday and closed on the next day instead.) Open every day during April 29th to May 5th, July 21st to August 31st, and December 30th to January 3rd.

48 files, last one added on Jan 08, 2023
Album viewed 32 times

Cape Ayamaru あやまる岬


On the northernmost coast of Amami city, one of Amami-Oshima's most scenic points. The cape juts into the Pacific Ocean. The cape is surrounded by coral reef and a very vivid aqua-blue ocean. See planes flying toward the airport.

23 files, last one added on Jan 08, 2023
Album viewed 31 times

Amami Resort Basyayamamura 奄美リゾート ばしゃ山村


Resort hotel on a white sand beach on Amami-Oshima, Kagoshima, Japan. Beachfront restaurant and terrace. Address: 鹿児島県奄美市笠利町用安1246-1 https://basyayama-mura.com/

24 files, last one added on Jan 08, 2023
Album viewed 37 times

Oshima Tsumugi-mura 奄美大島紬村


Oshima tsumugi is a traditional silk fabric woven from white silk pongee. Oshima (Ooshima) Tsumugimura is a small textile factory where you can see how they weave and dye the tsumugi fabric. They also sell tsumugi fabrics as kimono, handkerchiefs, etc.
The factory is in a subtropical garden with tropical flowers and plants. Adult admission ¥500, open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Address: 1945 Akaogi Tatsugo Oshima, Kagoshima
Local buses stop at Oshima Tsumugimura. http://www.tumugi.co.jp/

29 files, last one added on Jan 08, 2023
Album viewed 46 times

Amami Oshima Shuzo 奄美大島酒造


Local brewery producing brown sugar shochu in Tatsugo Town, Amami-Oshima. Uses brown sugar wholly produced in Amami-Oshima. Water comes from Jougo River (じょうご川) fed by an aquifer 120 meters underground. Factory tour and gift shop offers shochu tasting. https://www.jougo.co.jp/

16 files, last one added on Jan 08, 2023
Album viewed 35 times

Naze Port 名瀬港


Amami-Oshima's main port for cruise ships and ferries in a natural inlet on the northern coast of the island. Also called Naze Shinko Port. Served as the island's main trade port since olden times.

24 files, last one added on Jan 08, 2023
Album viewed 48 times

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