Home > SHIMANE 島根県 > Yasugi 安来市

Adachi Museum of Art 足立美術館


Adachi Museum of Art is celebrated for its beautiful Japanese garden and superb artworks especially by Yokoyama Taikan. And in such a rural place. Amazing. The museum was founded in 1970 by Adachi Zenko (1899–1990), a native of Yasugi. He was a successful local merchant as a textile wholesaler and real estate business. He collected Yokoyama Taikan paintings and he thought they went well with the museum's beautiful landscape garden. Free shuttle bus ride from JR Yasugi Station. https://www.adachi-museum.or.jp/en/

22 files, last one added on Oct 03, 2018
Album viewed 135 times

Yasugi-bushi Engeikan Hall 安来節演芸館


Yasugi-bushi Engeikan Hall is a Japanese-style theater where they perform Yasugi-bushi, a local folk song and dance. They perform four times per day. The most famous Yasugi-bushi song is "Dojo-sukui" (Loach Scooping).

48 files, last one added on Oct 03, 2018
Album viewed 131 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)